A certain movie…

There’s a certain movie coming out, written by a certain Bigot. And I know a lot of people are conflicted about wanting to see it, but not wanting to support said Bigot.

So… here’s a suggestion. Go. Go see the movie. Enjoy it. (Let me know how it is. I’m not interested in going. I’m waiting for Thor and the next Hobbit movie.)

Then… donate the cost of your ticket to FCKH8, or some other QUILTBAG organization.

AND do it in HIS name.

If enough people do it, then his head just might explode…

Edited because it has been pointed out to me that one of the organizations I originally suggested isn’t as positive as I’d previously thought.


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That is a brilliant idea. I think I’ll do it 🙂

Greta van der Rol

What a good idea. Because I do want to see it, but I despise his views.

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