>From the Circlet Press Blog:
Come celebrate the release of the Circlet anthology Like a Sacred Desire: Tales of Sex Magick in our Livejournal community this coming Sunday August 1st through Saturday August 7th. Several contributors to the anthology will be making posts throughout the week to discuss the book and answer your questions. There will be giveaways and discussions with authors such as D.L. King, David Sklar, Angela Caperton, Jana Denardo, Elizabeth Schechter, and the editor of the anthology, Jennifer Williams.
Dark Diva Reviews recently had this to say about Like a Sacred Desire:
I could easily see this collection being used in a discussion group on mythology and sexology. Joseph Campbell would have had much to say about the characters and situations found here.
Want to learn more? Then stop by our author chat starting this Sunday. We look forward to seeing you!
I’ll be doing my part on Tuesday, August 3rd.
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