>Just got the news that Snowbound has been accepted for the Circlet Advent Calendar!
>Google Books
>Google opened their Ebookstore yesterday. So of course I had to play with it.
Right now, I only have one beef with it. And it’s not with the bookstore per se. It’s with the program they tell you you HAVE to use to download. Last night, I followed Google Books directions on how to download books to my reader. Downloaded Adobe Digital Editions, registered, and plugged in my Nook, just like it said.
The damn thing tried to delete the books I’d downloaded from Barnes and Noble, Project Gutenberg and Google Books before they opened the bookstore. Told me that they were licensed to a different user and I shouldn’t have them. Needless to say, I stopped the program and ripped it out. I only lost one book, and because of the way that the filenames are coded, I’m not sure which book it was.
So, if you want to use Google Books, here’s my advice. There’s a add-on for Firefox called Epub. You can read and download from Google Books using it, and it doesn’t get uppity about books you’ve legally downloaded from another service.
Splitting my focus a little
>Working today on Fool’s Gold, which has a deadline staring me in the face — December 15th. Need to get this done, but taking the month off and working on Drum Mage seems to have shaken me out of the funk I’d worked myself into about this story. I know now how to get past the LONG, BORING, NO-SEX-AT-ALL part.
Important when you’re writing erotica, the ability to do that. Even if it does take a month of working on something else.
And around the edges, I’ll be working on Drum Mage. I left it at a good place. Nick’s about to get himself into some deep trouble with his Steven… always a good time!
>Revised TOC for Carnal Machines
>Final word count
>51,547 words.
Final because I am going to bed. And this is just final for Nano. The book isn’t done yet.
>Time for an update
>To Revise
To Write:
- Fool’s Gold (for Like a Cunning Plan. deadline Dec 15th)
- Drum Mage (Bumped up in priority since “The Hand You’re Dealt” came out)
- House of Sable Locks (novel, in progress)
- Sea Prince (To be written with Danielle Jones)
- Wanderer’s Moon (next book in the Midnight Moon series.)
To Outline
- Coral Throne (sequel to Sea Prince)
- Hidden Things (Mystere Book 1)
- Mystere Book 2 (which hasn’t given up the title yet and may turn into book 3 and A&L will be book 2)
- Ashes and Light (Mystere Book 3)
- Tablets of Stone (Mystere Book 4)
- Tales from the Arena
To Sell
- Nomad’s Moon
- Exile’s Moon
- Princes of Air
- Snowbound
Allow to percolate
- Professional virgin story (no title as of yet)
- Wandering star story
- Color Wars (rainbow story outlined at LME Teach In)
>The Nano Curse is Broken
>Half a novel!!! 40729 words as of just about now!
>The Highest Praise…
>I posted Snowbound to the ERWA crit group. Today I got a message from one of the gentlemen there who told me that he liked Nick and Steven so much, he went and bought “Like a Sacred Desire.”
I have got to get this novel done! (37,202 word in. I may not make the 50,000 words for Nano, but I’ll make it to half a novel.)
>That was interesting…
>About a month ago, I volunteered to go in to J’s school and speak as a writer. Today was the day, and I spoke for an hour to over a hundred 4th graders on writing, on what a writer’s day is like, on how you go from idea to story and on publishing. It was a blast! The kids asked some good questions, and a number of them left talking very animatedly about wanting to be writers when they grew up.
Now, I did make a point of not bringing in any of my own writing, and I was upfront with them that I was a romance writer, that I did not write for their age-group, and my writing was targeted at ages 18 and up. (So if any of you reading now are LME parents, wanting to see who it was that spoke to your kids today, please rest assured that I kept to the facts of writing and publishing, and I didn’t bring any of my OWN writing into it, except in the most general terms of story development. I have a four-year-old. I KNOW how to keep the discussions g-rated!)
Oh, and if you are here from LME, that young adult writer I mentioned was Tamora Pierce. The BEST writer of girls fantasy I know. Look her up!