>In chatting today with Cecilia Tan from Circlet Press, I made a comment about my imp of the perverse, who feeds me ideas for delightfully perverse stories, usually at the worst possible moments. And she told me that Imp of the Perverse should be the title of a book that I write someday…. or the title of a blog about my writing.
I can take a hint. Especially when she follows up that statement with the words (hint, hint!).
So, these are the new digs. I’m still working out the kinks, so there might be some tweaks now and again. And I’m working out mirrors, so this will show up in Dreamwidth and over on Livejournal eventually (I think I have the Dreamwidth bit fixed. LJ is being stubborn. Good old LJ!)
So, why do I need a blog about my writing? Well, because I’m a writer, to start with. I write delightfully perverse stories that make my sisters say “Shame on you, where’s my copy?!?” I write for Circlet, and I have four stories under my belt with them now. If you look that-a-way <—–, you’ll see the list. (I ‘m not actually going to say ‘go buy my stuff’, but if you click on the pictures, you’ll get to the e-commerce site where you can buy my stuff.)
Oh, and if you’re reading this on the mirror sites, there is no that-a-way. Look here, and here.
I don’t just write short stories. There’s a pair of novels complete, and one day, I’ll see them in print. There’s another novel in the works, and the outlines for a bunch more. Someday, there will be enough hours in the day for me to get all these words out of my head and onto the screen. (That someday will probably be in the fall, when a certain small boy of my acquaintance starts school…)
That’s my other life. I’m a mom to a toddler, who is perfect in every way, and who is teaching himself to read. (And let me tell you, nothing puts a dampener on a hot and steamy scene quite like a small boy who loves Mommy’s computer. “Mommy, whachu writin’?” End mood, right there.)
So, that’s me in a nutshell. Naughty writer, mom, housewife, butcher, baker, candlestick maker. And now blogger. Just you watch me keep all the eggs in the air!