This week is going to be just PACKED!
To start with, words are flowing nicely with Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home. They are not flowing linearly, but they’re flowing nicely.
What do I mean by that? Well, the chapters that I moved over from Crossroads revolve around Owyn. Who wants his resolution NOW, dammit. So when I hit a stopping point in the early chapters, I go and write more for him. And get snarfy and sniffly, because there’s this one scene…
Yeah, you’ll find out later.
The preorder for Crossroads is up and running, and I have the proof copy to start reading through to make sure it’s really ready to go on November 30th. But I’m not going to be able to really focus on that because I’m taking a class this week.
That’s reason two that I’m extra busy this week. I’m taking Amber McCue’s Planathon class on business planning. I’ve been doing this for ten years almost exactly. I’ve never had a business plan. I kinda need to do something about that. So I’m writing this blog post in the break between video classes.
And reason three — the reason I couldn’t tell you that I was so busy for the RWA. I’ll be at the helm of the new RWA Romance Education Initiative, overseeing and revising all of the educational offerings that the RWA currently offers, as well as those to be developed. We have so many plans, and so many new things we want to bring to our members, and I am so EXCITED for this opportunity to give back! There will be more information on this later, but if you’re a reader, and an RWA member, and you want to be a part of this? Let me know!!!
Gotta get back to class! Busy busy busy!!!
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