Back in May, I had this to say about my plans for the summer workload:
Looking at the list, it looks like there will be work on short stories over the next week and a half, then synopsizing of Hidden Things over the summer (which is almost done — I was working on that when I got the “when can you have this to us?” email for The School).
I’ll need to see what’s broken in the synopsis of Holy Orders, but that can wait until I sell Heart’s Master. And I need to go through The Sea Prince and see what’s holding me back on working on it. That, I think, will be my summer project after I finish the synopsis for Hidden Things. Then I can either launch right into working on finishing that in August, or shove it back to the back burner and work on The Willow Sword or Hidden Things. Probably Hidden Things, and leave the YA for my beginning of 2015 project.
Wow. Looks like I have a plan.
Boy, was I am optimist!!!
Short stories in a week and a half? Umm… no. I never did get to Wolf Skin. That plot seems to be headed more towards what will happen in The White Raven. So Lorchan (the MC) finally told me his story. I’ll get to it, eventually. It needs more research.
Berlin? That short story sequel to House of Sable Locks? Yeah…. 28K words and still not finished. Looks like I have a novella sequel on my hands. And I haven’t finished the synopsis to Hidden Things, either.
So… school starts this coming Monday. Which means that I’m going to finish Berlin over the next few days so I can launch right into Hidden Things come Monday morning, finishing the synopsis as I go. (Because that worked so well with Heart’s Master… right.)
I have a revised plan. Let’s see how long before I have to revise it again.