“The rain rain rain came down down down. In rushing, rising riv’lets…” (from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.)
Our weather has been a song cue lately. The picture above is the view from my office window as I’m writing this, and it’s been like this every day for over a week. There are mushrooms growing in one of my potted plants in my garden, and it’s usually in full sun! That’s how damp it’s been recently. Which… I can’t complain too much — usually it’s too dry. But now there’s been flooding in our area. If we get a major storm? The ground is saturated already.
But we’re not going to go borrowing trouble. Trouble seems to have no trouble at all with finding us. Especially if it’s technology related. I had a lot of fun with my website last week, which hopefully no one noticed. And a book order that I placed for author copies to take to the shows I’m doing got very weird. I’ve never seen UPS generate the same tracking number for two different packages before, and yet, here I am with another author’s books in my house. My own order showed up over a week later, having apparently taken the scenic route. But both boxes had the same label, and the same tracking number, so there was no way to tell that there were actually two boxes! (the problem has been fixed, and the other author is getting her books replaced. There’s also a chance I might be getting MY order replaced as well, which… okay.)
It’s a momentous day in our house — in about half an hour, College Boy will officially become College Boy when he logs into his first class. Here’s hoping for no more tech troubles! (And for those of you who have known me forever, and who are thinking, wait, wasn’t he just five years old? I’m so there with you!) There’s going to be a learning curve. There’s always a learning curve. (My fingers wanted to type learning CURSE, and that’s true, too.) But we’ll figure it out.
In the meantime, there are books to write, manuscripts to edit, research to do, and coffee to drink. By the way, Trader Joe’s Chocolate Hazelnut coffee served with Silk Almond Sweet Cream creamer tastes like Nutella.
You’re welcome.
Listening to:
Gossip (featuring Tom Morello), Måneskin
Work in Progress
Tales from the Arena: King of Swords
(Tales from the Arena, book 3)
Shockingly, Counsel of the Wicked is still a contender for SPFBOX, which means that it is still on sale wherever ebooks are sold.

September 27-29th, 2024
Tampa, Florida
Not So Spooky Hallowfest
October 6th, 2024
Deltona, Florida
Wizards, Witches and the Weird
October 27th, 2024
Daytona Beach, Florida
Maker Faire Orlando
November 9-10th
Orlando, Florida