Happy Book Day

Release Week!

Release Week!

The time has come — it’s release week for the final book of the Heir to the Firstborn series. Look at them!

Image of the seven books in the Heir to the Firstborn series. A small, stuffed Highland Cow plush looks over the covers.
(Coo and Boo approved)

And there we have it — the complete Heir to the Firstborn. And when I say complete, I really mean it this time. No more story here. It’s done. REALLY, it’s done.

Which is… a little bizarre, to be honest. I started the series on Patreon in June of 2018 with an outline for four books. Now, five and a half years and seven books later, I just announced on the Patreon that the page will be going dark at the end of February, and will stay dark until I have something new to share there. (Which, I think I do, but right now it’s just an opening scene. It needs more fleshing out.)

Seven years isn’t the longest I’ve spent on one series, I don’t think. I mean, Tales from the Arena isn’t done yet, nor is The Artificer (which started with House of Sable Locks). But neither of those was intended to be a series. Heir to the Firstborn was always planned out as a series, and it just sort of kept going. But it’s the longest I’ve worked on a single creative project continuously, because I was posting a chapter a week every week non-stop for the first six books.

Getting those characters out of my head after all this time? Takes a complete change of subgenre… so I’m currently working The Sea Prince as a palette cleanser (I described it to someone last week as a sort of fantasy-steampunk Master and Commander. Except it’s Age of Sail, so timing-wise that might be candlepunk? I don’t know. If you do, let me know!)

The Sea Prince has been in my queue since 2009 — it’s almost old enough to drive in this state. There have been a lot of false starts and a lot of putting it back on the shelf before I finally figured out where the story was broken. Now? I’m on chapter 23, and starting to pull this book toward a close (and how many of you are gasping in shock because didn’t I just get started on this again less than a month ago? Yes, yes I did. The words have been FLOWING. I’ve written five chapters in three weeks. That’s roughly 15,000 words.) I think there may be between 25K and 50K words left, but I can see the end from here, and I like it.

Then, of course, I need to write the second book in this series…. hopefully, it won’t take me as long as it took to write the first one!


Coming TOMORROW to all your favorite bookstoresValley of Shadows (Heir to the Firstborn, Book 7)

Print preorder is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, which means you should be able to order the paperback at your favorite brick and mortar bookshop.

Works in Progress

The Sea Prince
(The Coral Throne, Book 1)

78426 / 120000 (65.35%)
Posted by EASchechter in 2024 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, accountability, Happy Book Day, happy-happy- joy- joy, Heir to the Firstborn, Release date, The Sea Prince, upcoming books, Valley of Shadows, WIP, wordcount, writing, 0 comments


Or… half a draft.

The White Raven: Morrigan’s Wrath
(The White Raven Duology, Book 2)

50256 / 90000 (55.84%)

Half a draft, and spring break starts next week. Which means that I need to count up how many days are left in school and figure out what my daily target needs to be to have this done by May 19th.

That’s 74 days (thank you, Google.)

40K words divided by 74 days… actually, call it 65 days because there’s ICFA in there, and there will be days where words just don’t happen, or at least not as many words as I’d like.

That puts me at (pulls out calculator) roughly 620 words a day to finish this on time.

That’s very doable. It does, however, mean putting The Sea Prince back on hold. But I’ve already done that because I noticed something — when I first drafted out this synopsis, I did some very sketchy worldbuilding, just to get the idea of the place. I never went back and filled it out. So in and around finishing Morrigan’s Wrath, I’m going to fill in the worldbuilding for The Sea Prince. I’ve already drawn a map and started sketching out a history and discovered things I didn’t know were in my brain. (I hate it when I don’t tell myself all details…) So The Sea Prince is on hiatus, possibly until the fall. Or it will become the next Patreon project, and I’ll post the worldbuilding as it comes together. I need to decide.

I am very much looking forward to ICFA next week. I’ve gone through the schedule and marked which panels I want to see, and I have my volunteer schedule. I’ll be at Registration for the conference opening Wednesday afternoon, and on Thursday and Friday mornings. If you’re going to be at the conference, say hi!

The Chronicles of John Zebedee releases tomorrow (and is currently on sale at Smashwords!) No one seems to be price matching the preorder, so you can grab it for 25% off at Smashwords only. Once the book goes live, the other venues should price match.

Time to get back to making words! Talk to you all next week!

Posted by EASchechter in 2023 plans, accountability, forthcoming works, Happy Book Day, ICFA, John Zebedee, The Sea Prince, The White Raven, upcoming books, upcoming work, WIP, wordcount, Writer on the Go!, 0 comments

Civic Duty or Something.

And today, I’m writing this blog in the jury room of my county courthouse. It’s slowly filling up with people (mostly unmasked people because… well… Florida).

Yes, Dear Reader, I’ve been summoned for jury duty.

I’ve been summoned before in Florida, but the last time, I was a homeschooling mom of a child under ten, so I was excused. No excuses here. So welcome to the jury pool.

The last time I was in a jury pool, I lived in New York, where I had the interesting situation of being chosen for a jury, then having to be excused because the opposing counsel was the husband of my Weight Watchers leader. Which had apparently never been brought up as a reason for excusing a juror before because I clearly remember the looks of abject confusion on the faces of the judge and the lawyers. “Wait, you… what? Does that count? I… okay.”

I’m not sure how long I’m going to be here today. Or how many days this week I’ll have to report. But they have wifi, and I can bring my laptop, so there will be words.

The White Raven: Morrigan’s Wrath
(The White Raven, Book 2)

14424 / 90000 (16.03%)

Visions in Smoke drops tomorrow,  and Children of Dreams next week. There’s still time to get those preorders in!

And that’s about all I’ve got today. This room is now packed, and it’s 8AM. Time to go be a responsible member of society.

Posted by EASchechter in a-writers-life-is-never-dull, Children of Dreams, forthcoming works, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Release date, The White Raven, upcoming books, upcoming work, Visions in Smoke, WIP, wordcount, 0 comments

I Have An Excite!!!

Why am I excited? Because Friday, this happened:

I had NO idea that the release date was Friday, or I’d have said something sooner!

Now, this new edition contains two bits of new material. The first is old new — I wrote The Ice Raven for the Princes of Air launch ten years ago, and it was serialized on the Circlet Livejournal. It’s never before been available for sale.

The second new bit of material is an exciting announcement, because you get a sneak peak at the first chapter of The White Raven: Morrigan’s Heir… coming in 2023 from Riverdale Avenue Books!

Lorcan finally gets his own books! Two of them — I’m starting The White Raven: Morrigan’s Wrath today. (That was the mystery synopsis I was working on a few weeks back.)

The White Raven: Morrigan’s Wrath

0 / 90000 (0.00%)

The Sea Prince
(The Sea Prince, book 1)

37782 / 120000 (31.49%)

Yes, I am still going to be working on The Sea Prince.

In other writing news, I finished the rewrite of Children of Dreams, and I’ll be setting up a preorder for that and Visions in Smoke this week.  I’ll post links to those on all the social media once they’re up. Bones of Earth went live last week, and is updating everywhere. Not sure what’s happening with the paperbacks — they’re listed as publishing, but Amazon hasn’t updated to the new information, and Barnes and Noble is still listing the old prices. Remember, if you find books with the old covers, it’s the old content.

Not much else to share, and I need to get on getting on to writing.

Have a great week!!!



Posted by EASchechter in 2023 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, Bones of Earth, Children of Dreams, Forged in Fire, forthcoming works, Happy Book Day, happy-happy- joy- joy, Heir to the Firstborn, kvelling, Princes of Air, SOLD!, The Sea Prince, The White Raven, upcoming books, upcoming work, Visions in Smoke, WIP, wordcount, yippee, 0 comments


This past weekend, I did something that I haven’t done in a while. I sat down and reread one of my older works. Not because I was researching anything, or checking details for a sequel. Just… read it.

I re-read House of Sable Locks.

It’s a daunting thing to go back and read the second book you ever wrote, and realize that it’s possibly the best work you’ve ever done. That you’ve written twenty-four books since that one, and that none of them have reached the benchmark that led one outlet to call House of Sable Locks a modern erotic classic. (that outlet no longer exists — it was Cliterati, for the curious.)

Now, that’s not saying that the rest of my work is crap. It definitely isn’t! (House of Sable Locks isn’t my only award winner, after all.) But I think that they all are a step below that level. Well, maybe Hidden Things is closest. Or Written in Water.  Or maybe not — House of Sable Locks was something truly special.

And it was my second book. That’s really kind of mind-blowing. You’re not supposed to front-load your writing career!

While I’m pondering this, I’m also working on book 26:

Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home
(Heir to the Firstborn, book 6)

105627 / 150000 (70.42%)
(If anyone just happens to be looking at my Goodreads or Amazon book list and thinking — hey, there aren’t 25 books here? The Rebel Mage books are being reissued this year — see below. I have one under contract with Circlet/Riverdale, three in the Circlet/Riverdale queue, and three set up for another project.)
Counsel of the Wicked drops tomorrow, and I’m really looking forward to having these books back out in the world. Yes, the Rebel Mage books are dark. No, I’m never going that dark again. But I did it once, and I did it well.
Written in Water is free in a couple of places this week. Smashwords is having their Read an Ebook promotion this week.  And I have a Book Cave giveaway for this entire month — sign up for newsletters, get free books!
And the Kickstarter is… well… going backwards. I have to say, it’s very disheartening. I’m trying to put my mind to how to turn this around and go forwards again, and not coming up with much. But there’s still time. And hopefully, my appearance today on the These Mums Write podcast will help!
Not much else to report in. Time for me to go back to trying to exceed my early brilliance and write a new modern erotic classic.
Posted by EASchechter in 2022 plans, accountability, appearances, audiobooks, award-winning, Counsel of the Wicked, deep thoughts, giveaway, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Kickstarter, promotions, public displays of geekery, publishing, Sable Locks, Self-publishing, upcoming books, upcoming work, WIP, wordcount, Written in Water, 0 comments

That was Quick

Tomorrow is February.

How did THAT happen?

Part of it was that last week was a blur — I was sick for a few days of it, and then it was over.  It wasn’t anything major, and I’m fine. But time and words both ceased to exist.

Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home
(Heir to the Firstborn, book 6)

87541 / 150000 (58.36%)

Not quite as many words as I’d have liked, but there was some forward movement. That’s a plus.

Tomorrow, the Swords of Charlemagne box set drops. There’s still time to preorder.


Also tomorrow, the Red Hot giveaway begins — you can sign up for my newsletter, and get a copy of Hidden Things absolutely free! The promotion runs the entire month of February.


And on Wednesday, voting begins for the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewers Choice Awards. I’m nominated in two categories. The Lady and the Sword is nominated for Best LGBT Fantasy Romance, and Swords of Charlemagne is nominated for Best LGBT Fantasy Romance Series.

The Kickstarter is ongoing, and is slowly moving in the upwards direction. The project is 5% funded, with 47 days left, and has been picked up as a Project We Love by Kickstarter itself. I’m updating regularly over there, with things specific to the books, and that I have never shared anywhere else. So check it out, and maybe throw something in the hat!

And finally, preorders are now open for the Counsel of the Wicked re-release, which happens on March 8th. The ebook will be available as part of Kindle Unlimited, which means it will NOT be for sale anywhere but Amazon. The paperback, however, will be available everywhere.


And I think that’s all the news I’ve got this week! Busy, busy, busy!




Posted by EASchechter in 2022 plans, Boosting the signal, contest, Counsel of the Wicked, forthcoming works, giveaway, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Hidden Things, Kickstarter, new books, promotions, publishing, Rebel Mage, Release date, Swords of Charlemagne, upcoming books, upcoming work, WIP, wordcount, 0 comments

I Want a Do-Over!

Last week was supposed to be a week off. Right?

Last week, I had two conventions back to back. Several professional obligations. Thanksgiving….

Clearly, I’m doing this whole week off thing wrong. I think I was more busy last week than I was in the previous MONTH.

And there were words in there, too.

Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home
(Heir to the Firstborn, book 6)

55808 / 150000 (37.21%)
So… yeah, I need a week off from my week off. And I’m not even done yet.
KeiserSupercon is next week!
Cookiepocalypse is nigh! And I still don’t know what I’m baking! (other than three color cookies, because there must always be three color cookies. Always.)
And then?
Once the last cookie sheet comes out of the oven, I’m taking the rest of the year off.
You can stop laughing now. I know. I know!
I don’t do time off right, either.
This time for sure!

Posted by EASchechter in 2021 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, accountability, appearances, conventions, Cookiepocalypse, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Keiser SuperCon, new books, promotions, Release date, upcoming books, upcoming work, WIP, wordcount, 0 comments

Home Again, Home Again.

This weekend was NecronomiCon, and we had an exceptionally good time. It was our first time back at a science fiction convention since 2019, and… well, okay, it was a little weird. I would not have expected quite so many people to be so… cavalier with regards to the convention’s mask requirement. I mean… we’re FEN! We’re smarter than that!

At least, I thought we were.

Definitely had a good time, though. Friday night was the return of the Writing the Naughty Bits panel, which I hosted, and which this year was a wonderful craft discussion on writing sexual tension and sex, and how one doesn’t necessarily have to lead to the other.  My Saturday panel was unfortunately cancelled due to technical difficulties. Sunday was a really great discussion on the Hero’s Journey and the Heroine’s Journey, and how the names of those don’t necessarily have to match the gender identity of your protagonist — I proposed that they be renamed to the External Journey vs. the Internal Journey, which seems to be the major difference between them. Following that panel, I had a delightful conversation with an independent filmmaker who came up to me and said, “I know NOTHING of the romance genre! Teach me your ways!”  Not because he’s interested in writing romance — he wants to be sure that if he picks up a romance project, he gets it right! So we spent a good half an hour with me explaining and him taking notes.

Came home. Crashed HARD (tired Liz was TIRED!) and woke up to an invitation to be a guest at a new-to-me convention in February! I’ll be a virtual guest at Boskone from February 18th to the 20th And yay for virtual guests, because I don’t really fancy the idea of going to Boston in February!

Today also marked the arrival of the author proof of my first hardcover, and me posting my first Tiktok — an unboxing video of the hardcover. As I said in the video, it’s PRETTY, but I need to fix the cover art, which is in process now. I also need to remember to turn off the notifications on my phone when I record a Tiktok — Beaker makes an unexpected cameo.


#booktok #newbooktoker #unboxing

♬ original sound – Elizabeth_Schechter

Never had a book before that I could click my nails on. That’s pretty neat! Those hardcovers should be available soon-ish.

Edits are now underway for Heir to the Firstborn: The Crossroads, and I’m almost done with the synopsis for Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home. I want to finish the edits before I start writing the final book, so that I have all the details fresh in my mind. We’ll see how the timing goes, though — I have until November 19th, which is when the last chapter of Crossroads goes live on Patreon. So I need to have at least a chapter or two of The Way Home ready to go by then. I don’t want to break my never-missed-a-week streak in the home stretch!

And I think that’s about all in my neck of the woods! See you all next week!




Posted by EASchechter in 2021 plans, 2022 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, appearances, Boskone, conventions, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Hidden Things, kvelling, Necronomicon, promotions, Swords of Charlemagne, upcoming books, upcoming work, WIP, 0 comments

Mondayest Monday Ever

Today is indeed the most Mondayest Monday ever.

On Friday, my windshield caught a kicked-up rock, and cracked. I’ve always been taught that you shouldn’t drive with a cracked windshield, so I got the car home, and set up an appointment through my car insurance to have the windshield fixed.

This morning, bright and way-too-early, windshield company shows up. They’re going to try to repair the crack first, because it’s not large and not in the direct line of sight. But injecting the resin made the crack get bigger. The tech stopped immediately and told me “We need to replace the windshield.”

Okay, but guess what they don’t have in stock? If you answered the particular windshield for my particular car? You win a gold star!

They’re going to try and get a new windshield for me before Friday and Necronomicon,  but they assured me that the car is safe to drive. So that’s something.

I’ve got something of a busy week this week — tomorrow is the Kindle Unlimited release of Table of Stone, the last Swords of Charlemagne book. To celebrate that, Hidden Things is on sale everywhere for 2.99 this week.

Wednesday night I’ll be doing the Busy Black and Beautiful with LaQuette video podcast, and I’ll tweet the link to watch live out once I have it.  And Thursday and Friday will be con prep. And in the meantime, I’m doing all sorts of writing prep.

I spent most of last week working on synopses for future writing. Ready to go are Tower of Light and Blood Brothers (Flesh and Blood 2). I’m working now on Blood Price (Flesh and Blood 3), and I’m refining the synopsis for Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home, so it better aligns with what happened in Heir to the Firstborn: The Crossroads. I also need to update the series bible for Flesh and Blood, because i noticed that I left a lot blank that shouldn’t be left blank (There are whole character pages blank, and that’s not good. That’s how you end up reading three books to see if you ever mentioned a character’s eye color.)  I’ll be starting the editing reread of Crossroads at the convention, and I’ll be starting to write The Way Home once Crossroads is handed off to my darling editor.

I’ve also got a bunch of things in the RWA pipeline, but I can’t talk about them yet. Exciting stuff, though! You’ll learn more about it soon.

And that’s pretty much it for what’s happening in my neck of the woods. See you all after the convention!

Posted by EASchechter in 2021 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, appearances, BDSM Vampires, conventions, Flesh and Blood, forthcoming works, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Hidden Things, Necronomicon, Release date, Swords of Charlemagne, Table of Stone, Tower of Light, upcoming books, upcoming work, Worldbuilding, Writer on the Go!, 0 comments

How to Get an Whole Week into One Day…

First, start with a Monday…

Today has been a very productive day, in all ways but one…

  • Got Teen Boy off on time to his second to last day of finals. (okay, I made sure he was in front of his computer…)
  • Worked out
  • Had a brief training on how to conduct an interview via Zoom — best video settings, that sort of thing.
  • Scheduled three Zoom interviews.
  • Prepped three different sets of questions for those interviews.
  • Reviewed Units 6 and 10 of Pen to Paper for two of those three sets of questions
  • Sent the interviewees out best practices for Zoom interviews.
  • Scheduled a meeting to discuss (REDACTED)
  • Scheduled three doctor appointments
  • Backed up the computer
  • Wrote the weekly blog (hi!)
  • Picked up groceries
  • Did my daily Tarot draw
  • Wrote this blog post

Notice what’s missing?

I haven’t written a durned word for Heir to the Firstborn today!

Good thing I had an exceptional writing week last week!

Heir to the Firstborn
(Heir to the Firstborn, book 5)

91772 / 150000 (61.18%)

I wrote out of order last week. There was a scene that needed to be written, even though I’m not there yet — I just needed to get it down before I lost it. Which means that I wrote two chapters and a bit last week. And I’ll hit the pivot point in the chapter I’m just about to start, and the pace is going to pick up dramatically.

I’m wondering how much of the first half of the book is going to get cut when I get to edits. It’s slow. It’s all necessary, but it’s slow. So maybe I can tighten things up.

Or maybe not. I never made any claim to being concise.

I’m also starting to wonder if I’ll actually make the self-imposed deadline of a November release. It’s the end of May, and I’m only halfway done. Heir to the Firstborn might just end up being  my first book of 2022 at this rate. Which isn’t a problem, really. But it means that I missed out on my feat of publishing 6 books in a year that will NEVER EVER HAPPEN AGAIN I MEAN IT!


Tomorrow The Lady and the Sword releases in KU for ebooks. Print should follow along shortly (it’s in review because I forgot to hit publish yesterday.) And I discovered something. The Term of Service for Kindle Unlimited only cover EBOOK distribution. It says nothing about exclusivity of print.

So The Lady and the Sword will go wide in paperback next week (on June 1st).


Preorders for paperbacks of the rest of the series are loading to all major retailers now, and will release when the ebooks release in KU (In July for Ashes and Light, and in September for Table of Stone.)

And that’s about all here. Time for me to run off to my next thing — making dinner.

Then… maybe some words? Maybe?

We’ll see.

Posted by EASchechter in 2021 plans, 2022 plans, accountability, Ashes and Light, Best laid plans, Best planned lays, Deadlines Go Whoosh!, forthcoming works, Happy Book Day, Heir to the Firstborn, Release date, Swords of Charlemagne, Table of Stone, The Lady and the Sword, to-dos, upcoming books, upcoming work, WIP, wordcount, Write Faster!, Writer on the Go!, writing, 0 comments