legal junk

Writing business

So, one of my publishers has gone out of business, and I’ve just gotten my rights reversion for The Rape of Persephone and for From Dusk ’til Dawn.

I’ll be getting Persephone back up ASAP as a self-published story, and checking with my publishers to see if they’re interested in a reprint on Dusk.

Business fun…

Posted by EASchechter in Best laid plans, Best planned lays, From Dusk 'til Dawn, legal junk, Rights Reversion, The Rape of Persephone, 0 comments

I… ummm… uh

I just posted chapter 9  of House of Sable Locks to the crit group, along with comments on the problems I anticipate from the content. (Seriously, Chapters nine and ten might make the whole book unpublishable in the current publishing market. An under-aged main character (he’s sixteen, which was not underaged at the time the story was set) involved in an abusive relationship with a manipulative psychopath (who is only a year older)… yeah, a bit hard to get past the morality police, I think).

One of the people who have been critting since chapter 1 told  me that any possible resolutions would be like taking chainsaws to a Rodin. I am so completely blown away by this comment, I can’t even… wow!

Posted by EASchechter in legal junk, Sable Locks, sex, writing, 0 comments


>Okay, I’ve been bad.

Well, I suppose that goes without saying, really. But I mean I’ve been lax about keeping the blog up. I haven’t posted anything since the shuttle launch, and Discovery came home last week.

I have been writing. I’m working on Sable Locks, and making inroads. Except now I’m at the hard chapter — the Flashback chapter. The chapter where we have a sixteen-year-old being emotionally and physically abused by someone who didn’t start out as a psychopath, but seems to have turned into one.

This is a very hard chapter to write, and not just because I have to keep it out of the “he’s legal for his time period” gray area. I don’t know of ANY erotica publishers who will run with a sexually abusive relationship between a sixteen-year-old and a seventeen-year-old that starts out with manipulation and goes straight into dub-con and torture.

And no, I really don’t want to know where the darkness in my skull comes from. I don’t. I’m not looking, and I suggest you don’t look too closely either. I’m a nice person. Really.

So, I’m writing, and the novel is over 50,000 words now (I have to update the ticky box). But this one chapter might drive me nuts before I’m done with it.

However, once I’ve finished it, the rest of the book will be smooth sailing.

Posted by EASchechter in legal junk, progress, Sable Locks, 0 comments

>I am an idiot…

>…who apparently can’t read a contract. And because of that, a reprint sale that I thought I made won’t be happening.


Posted by EASchechter in contracts, legal junk, 0 comments