product endorsement

Flowers Outside My Window

Flowers Outside My Window

There are flowers outside my window. Purple ones. They’re on the crepe myrtle tree we got from the city for Arbor Day a couple of years back. I can just see them from where I’m sitting, because the tree is just finally tall enough to be seen from my desk on the second floor. It’s nice — a pop of color among the green that is my yard. I can see iris buds, too, so I’ll have some white and purple irises sometime in the next few days. Sadly, something ate the deep pink cranberry hibiscus that I could see from where I’m sitting, so I have to move if I want to see the sole survivor of the wall-o-hibiscus that was the back of that bed. (Said sole survivor is attempting to be a wall all by itself. I have a hibiscus with ambitions.)

If you think I’m trying to focus on the pretty and innocuous, you have much to go on.

Things are scary out there. And turning to writing stories helps, but at the same point, I write steamy, sexy books… and there are threats to my livelihood on the horizon. Now, I’m not changing what I’m doing. I’m still going to write my stories, and they’re still going to be about people falling in love, and about the many ways love can be found. But it’s still scary out there.

Flowers help. Games help. I haven’t finished Tavern Talk yet. It’s GOOD. It’s really good. Although the cozy isn’t as cozy, and the what just happened here? moments are getting more frequent. I’m about halfway through Act 3, and there are only 4 acts in the game, and I’m starting to worry for some of these characters. (Honestly? I thought that cozy meant… well… COZY. But I’m invested and I need to know how the story ends.) I think my next game will be something lower stakes, like Vampire Therapist or Capybarista. The art in Vampire Therapist is very nice. And honestly, using cognitive behavior therapy on vampires amuses me. as for Capybarista? It’s about capybaras who own a coffee shop. What’s not to like?

It’s thundering outside my window now — late afternoon Florida storms are rolling in. Time to get back to making words so I can wrap my writing day before dinner. I have a game to finish.

Work in Progress

Tales from the Arena: King of Swords
(Tales from the Arena, book 3)

18649 / 90000 (20.72%)


The Smashwords Summer Sale is live! And, because of reasons too silly to go into here, I have two author pages. You can pick up my entire catalog on sale here and here.

Counsel of the Wicked is still a contender for SPFBOX, so it is STILL on sale, but because of the Smashwords sale, it’s even BETTER — it’s FREE (only on Smashwords)!!!


September 27-29th, 2024
Tampa, Florida


Not So Spooky Hallowfest
October 6th, 2024
Deltona, Florida


Wizards, Witches and the Weird
October 27th, 2024
Daytona Beach, Florida

Posted by EASchechter in 2024 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, accountability, Counsel of the Wicked, politics, product endorsement, promotions, Tales from the Arena, upcoming work, Updatey things, Waiting-for-the-other-shoe, WIP, wordcount, Worldbuilding, 0 comments
Outside Hates Me

Outside Hates Me

Seriously. Outside and I are not friends. Usually, the outside tolerates me, but sometimes… well, the results can be explosive.


Yes, I have allergies. Lots of them. When I was allergy tested prior to being treated, they gave me the list of allergens. Usually, they take a highlighter and mark the things you’re allergic to. On mine, they marked the things I was NOT allergic to because it used less ink.

Technically? I’m allergic to outside. I’ve been doing allergy therapy for years, and I’m getting to the point where I don’t react anymore, but there is something new outside that wants me to know that it hates me especially. Which means I’m in an antihistamine fog, and I’ve been staring at the screen for thirty minutes trying to think of what to write.

This does not bode well for my daily wordcount.

I’m enjoying the new WIP, and who Teren, the main character, is at the start of the work, as opposed to who he needs to become by the end of it. The growth cycle is going to be fun.

I did some other, non-writing writing work, and now have a press kit. This is one of those things that no one tells you that you should be doing when you start writing, so you have to put in major effort to put one together later. Now that it’s done, I’ll be turning my non-writing writer brain to revisions of The Sea Prince. Darling Editor pointed out one MAJOR plot point that I might have gotten away with when I first started this book some fifteen years ago, but that I absolutely cannot go forward with now, so there’s going to be a big rewrite early into the book. If I do it right, you’ll never know. But that means actually doing it. The plan is revisions, then another editing pass before I turn my thoughts to how this is going out into the world.

As part of my “I’m taking care of myself” plan, I’m trying to take time away from the keyboard, and part of that time has been spent playing Tavern Talk. It’s a visual novel video game where you are an Innkeeper in a fantasy realm, with a revolving cast of colorful characters who are incredibly fleshed out and beautifully rendered. If you want a hack and slash first person shooter, this is not your game. If you want something involving stories and puzzles and multiple different possible paths and endings, grab this game! (It’s on Steam, and it’s available for the Switch.) I’m enjoying it because writer brain has NOT been able to figure out where it’s going, so everything has been a surprise!

Time to go make words so I can play later.

Work in Progress

Tales from the Arena: King of Swords
(Tales from the Arena, book 3)

13327 / 90000 (14.81%)


The Smashwords Summer Sale is live! And, because of reasons too silly to go into here, I have two author pages. You can pick up my entire catalog on sale here and here.

Counsel of the Wicked is still a contender for SPFBOX, so it is STILL on sale, but because of the Smashwords sale, it’s even BETTER — it’s FREE!!!


September 27-29th, 2024
Tampa, Florida


Not So Spooky Hallowfest
October 6th, 2024
Deltona, Florida


Wizards, Witches and the Weird
October 27th, 2024
Daytona Beach, Florda

Posted by EASchechter in 2024 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, accountability, product endorsement, publishing, Tales from the Arena, The Sea Prince, upcoming books, upcoming work, Updatey things, WIP, wordcount, Worldbuilding, 0 comments

So Busy!!!

This past week feels like I’ve been running from pillar to post all week, and yet I’m not sure I have much to show for it. Strange.

I didn’t get as many words down as I’d have liked, but I did get to write some interesting scenes that revealed once again that my characters keep secrets from me, and only tell me when it’s the right time. If you’ve seen “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” you probably remember the scene where Roger slips the handcuffs? And Eddie demands to know why he couldn’t do it before, only to have Roger reply that he couldn’t do it before. He could only do it when it was funny.

My characters only reveal things when it’s going to complicate the plot. However, I like this complication, so it stays.

Heir to the Firstborn: The Way Home
(Heir to the Firstborn, book 6)

94275 / 150000 (62.85%)

Then again, I usually like the complications, and they usually stay. My characters have more of a direct line to my subconscious, which is where these stories start. I figure they know what they’re talking about.

The Kickstarter has another month to go, and I really hope it picks up. If you want to see audiobooks produced for the Swords of Charlemagne books, please share the graphic and the Kickstarter link?

Another thing that’s still running is the Red Hot giveaway! You have until the end of the month to grab your free books!

The last thing that I’ve been working on is the revisions on the Rebel Mage books. Counsel of the Wicked and Haven’s Fall are ready, and I’m putting the final polish on Where Home Lies. All of the books will be out this year, with Counsel coming next month, on March 8th! You can preorder now on Amazon — these ebooks will be Amazon exclusives for purchase or for reading through Kindle Unlimited.

I was also interviewed for the These Mums Write podcast, which was an enormous amount of fun. As soon as I know the date that the episode will air, I’ll let everyone know. I think it’s in early March.

Okay, so maybe I did get a lot done last week. And I have even more to get done this week, including attending Boskone virtually this upcoming weekend, and finding out the results of the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewers Choice Awards!

Wish me luck!


Posted by EASchechter in 2022 plans, a-writers-life-is-never-dull, audiobooks, Boskone, contest, conventions, Counsel of the Wicked, forthcoming works, Haven's Fall, Heir to the Firstborn, Kickstarter, new books, product endorsement, progress, promotions, Rebel Mage, Release date, Swords of Charlemagne, upcoming books, upcoming work, Where Home Lies, WIP, wordcount, 0 comments


I have an electronic planner in my phone, but I remember things better if I write them down. So I use a paper planner. I like paper planners. I have one for homeschooling, one for day-to-day planning, and a travelers notebook that comes along with me. And I have a bullet journal, for whatever I’m currently writing.

My planner of choice is from Plum Paper.  This is my everyday planner, with bonus Pusheen and rainbows. Yes, stickers and washi tape are a huge part of my planning.

I like the formats and the customization available with Plum Paper. The sizes are great (the one pictured is 8.5 x 11), and the paper is wonderful (there’s no bleed through no matter what pens I use). I have a bunch of 5×7 Plum Paper notebooks, too. But I’ve discovered that, while the spiral bound notebooks are every bit as wonderful as the planners, the perfectbound Plum notebooks are not quite as robust as I’d like them to be. Which is very, since I need this to go in and out of my purse or my laptop bag. , and last for the length of the series I’m writing.


That little owl notebook is my notes and plans for Swords of Charlemagne, and this is the second perfect bound notebook I’ve killed because I’m rough on my things. Once again, I needed something to replace the bullet journal. Then I discovered the Paperdori from Plot your Work.

Plot your Work offers several different sizes of Paperdori. This one is holds three 5X7 inserts (which Plot your Work offers as well). And if you can see on the left, there’s a planner charm — you can choose your charm, and I chose a fountain pen nib.

For my three inserts, I used a dotted journal (for my bullet journal) and two of Plot Your Work’s single project planners (with awesome hand marbled covers!).  This ended up being much more than I needed — I probably could have gotten away with using one single project planner for the last two books in Swords of Charlemagne.

Because I have a pocket sized ‘dori, there are only 28 lines on a dotted page. So I had to kinda had to format my monthly calendars to fit. This is where I’ll log my wordcounts, and my word totals, and I’ll make note of any professional events that will be happening while I write. You can see Indie Bookfest listed on those pages.

In the single project notebooks, there are a mix of dotted pages and project planning specific pages. I’ve used these before in the full sized Plot Your Work planner, and I like how functional they are.

Now, why I said that I could have used one of these single project for both books? That page there is an entire year of planning.  It takes me four to six months to write a draft — so one of these single project notebooks would have fit both books left in Swords of Charlemagne. But I wasn’t thinking of that when I set things up, so I wrote in both. I’ll remember this for next time — the way I use these planners, I can fit two related books into one single project notebook.

So, consider this an enthusiastic two-thumbs-up for the Plot your Work Paperdori! Very functional, and they definitely over deliver!



Posted by EASchechter in Boosting the signal, planner stuff, Planning, product endorsement, 0 comments