Civic Duty done

Today was the first day of Early Voting here in Central Florida. So I went out and did my civic duty.

And because I was in line for two hours and needed to amuse myself, I livetweeted the wait.

I was supposed to go grocery shopping after, but it started raining and after two hours… yeah, groceries will still be there tomorrow. And I have words to write.

Wings of Air
Heir to the Firstborn, Book 4

97117 / 150000 (64.74%)
John Zebedee and the Monstrous Town
34522 / 30000 (115.07%)

I am thisclose to finishing Monstrous Town. There’s maybe a chapter and a half left. So that’s my goal for this week — finishing book two so I can move on to book three.  John Zebedee Meets the Witch-Queen of Elfland will be my Nanowrimo project this year.

Once that’s finished, then I’ll have a new focus — getting Swords of Charlemagne ready to publish. It’s been with a publisher for the past couple of months, and they told me yesterday that they were passing on it. So… my weird duck of a series will be making an appearance as self-published books in 2021! I need to line up cover art, and I already know that I’m probably not going to do rapid release. Books 2-4 have been edited, but I haven’t had time to incorporate those edits. So that will be what I do once I’m done with John Zebedee, and in and around finishing Heir to the Firstborn. 

I’m also rereading the Rebel Mage books. And I think I’ve decided that they need to stay the way they are, hard scenes and all. So those will also be on my re-release schedule. Not sure when, though. I need to get covers lined up for those, too.

There isn’t much else going on at the moment. Quiet and busy, really. RWA stuff and house stuff and making plans for Halloween (contactless trick or treating — we’ll be filling treat bags and putting them outside the door. I just need to fill the bags.)

Counting down to November 3rd. Then holding my breath until January 20th, 2021.

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