>Google Books

>Google opened their Ebookstore yesterday. So of course I had to play with it.

Right now, I only have one beef with it. And it’s not with the bookstore per se. It’s with the program they tell you you HAVE to use to download. Last night, I followed Google Books directions on how to download books to my reader. Downloaded Adobe Digital Editions, registered, and plugged in my Nook, just like it said.

The damn thing tried to delete the books I’d downloaded from Barnes and Noble, Project Gutenberg and Google Books before they opened the bookstore. Told me that they were licensed to a different user and I shouldn’t have them. Needless to say, I stopped the program and ripped it out. I only lost one book, and because of the way that the filenames are coded, I’m not sure which book it was.

So, if you want to use Google Books, here’s my advice. There’s a add-on for Firefox called Epub. You can read and download from Google Books using it, and it doesn’t get uppity about books you’ve legally downloaded from another service.

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