>I love The GIMP

>The GIMP? What’s The GIMP?

If you don’t know, The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program, kinda of an open-source Photoshop. (It’s free, runs on Windows AND Linux, and you can get it over here.)

So… with the time that I was supposed to be writing this morning  while the boy was in school (cough cough… slacker… cough cough…), I made up a neat little jewel box insert  and CD label for the Omnibus CDs that I currently have in my possession. (For sale! $20 for all four ebooks! And signed copies will be at the Blissful Lotus anniversary party this Saturday!)

So, take a look at what I did. It came out pretty nicely, although I did have to scale it up when I printed it out. Now you know what to look for when you go shopping! Now… let me go finish this book…

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