It’s being a Monday.

I’m not sure why I always blog on a Monday. I mean, they get so Monday-ish and then here is it past 4PM Eastern and I’m just writing my first lines.

BOY, has it been a Monday!

There are days when you feel like the only adult in the daycare. And you’re not quite sure how anyone around you manages to tie their shoes, and you know the only reason that they can walk and breathe at the same time is that breathing is an involuntary reflex. If they had to think about both… well…

Yeah, it’s been a day.

Writing has been going well this week, and I’ve had a sudden case of the real world creeping into the writing. Because suddenly, there’s an outbreak of mountain fever in Adavar, and this was not in the outline. And since it wasn’t in the outline, I’m not sure yet how it will play out. But if you’ve read the early books, you know that mountain fever is something serious… and we’ll see where this goes.

Heir to the Firstborn
(Heir to the Firstborn, book 5)

61458 / 150000 (40.97%)

I’m still working on page proofs for Table of Stone, and trying to figure out why there are blank pages between chapters. That’s an odd layout glitch that, if I can’t fix it, at least won’t hurt anything. The rest of the book seems fine. Hidden Things comes out of KU on the 25th of April, and goes wide on the 27th. So if you’ve been wanting Hidden Things but you buy your books from Barnes and Noble or the Apple store, the wait is almost over!

Tomorrow is two weeks since my second COVID shot, which means I’m about as vaccinated as I’m going to get. I’m hoping that the CDC approves Pfizer’s request for permission to vaccinate 12-15-year olds, because then everyone in my house will be vaccinated. Fingers crossed on that front!

In RWA news, the National Conference has been moved to be virtual, and will happen in November. More information on that as it comes. The July dates will now be a much smaller retreat, in person at the Gaylord Opryland, and again, more information as it comes in.

The SOOPER SEKRIT project isn’t much of a super secret anymore. I spoke about Pen to Paper at the RWA Town Hall last week. However, the marketing starts soon, so I’ll save the big announcement here for after the official announcement comes out from RWA.

And I think that’s just about everything. Time to go check and make sure people are still able to walk and breathe.

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