That’s the current mood on our house. Ready…set…wait…wait…wait… We’re almost entirely ready for Necronomicon. We just need to pack. But there’s a blob that’s soon to be named Helene in the Caribbean right now. She’s heading for the Gulf of Mexico at the moment, and she may ALSO be heading for Tampa this week.
Driving into what projections say might be a Category 2 hurricane doesn’t seem like my idea of a good time. Hence, the “wait” part of the program. Right now, IF she comes to Tampa or the area just north, it looks like it will be Thursday. But we will see, and then we will decide.
Welcome to Florida in the Fall.
If there is a convention and we attend, then we’ll have a great time. I have five panels — two on Friday night and three on Saturday.
- Friday, 9PM — Guess the Spec Fic Author By Their Sex Scene (Mystery Science Sex Scene 3K)
- Friday, 10PM — I Want to Verb Your Noun (the annual Writing Sex panel returns!)
- Saturday, 10AM — Author Quarters 2 (Reading from something non-spicy)
- Saturday, 5PM — Gardening vs. Building (Pantsing and Plotting)
- Saturday, 8PM — Cosmic Construction (Worldbuilding)
In addition, I have a table in Author Alley. Remember that if you tell me you’re a newsletter subscriber or follow me on social media, you get discounts! In addition, I’ll be running a Necro sale — 25% off everything except digital items and book bundles.
If things end up being wet and squally and we stay home, then I’ll run a Necro sale on signed books through my website, and I’ll put things up on sale on Smashwords (easiest place to put up a coupon.)
So… ready…set…wait…wait…wait….
Work in Progress
Tales from the Arena: King of Swords
(Tales from the Arena, book 3)
This may very well be the last week where Counsel of the Wicked is on sale. There are only three books left in my SPFBO cohort, and mine is one of them. I’ve seen the other semi-finalists, and I’m really not sure I’ll be joining them, so I think I’ll be out shortly. If you want to grab it while it is still on sale, now is the time!

Coming up on October 11th, I have Chains of Light available for free in So Queer To My Heart, a spicy queer romance event. Link to the event page will be coming soon.

I’ll be participating in a Stuff Your Kindle event from October 18-20th. There are over 400 books that will be free or discounted for that weekend, and I’ll have Written in Water up for free!

I’m also going to be a part of Enchanted Realms, and this promotion runs for the entire month of October — sign up for newsletters, get free books and enter to win a $30 gift card!
September 27-29th, 2024
Tampa, Florida
Not So Spooky Hallowfest
October 6th, 2024
Deltona, Florida
Wizards, Witches and the Weird
October 27th, 2024
Daytona Beach, Florida
Maker Faire Orlando
November 9-10th
Orlando, Florida
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