School days, school days…

…will mean something entirely different soon.

My newest novel, The School, has been acquired by Forbidden Fiction. Manuscript is delivered, contract is signed, edits will begin whenever they begin.

The School is a dark, post-apocalyptic fantasy, featuring my first ever Asexual character.* Very dark. REALLY dark. I went all in on the dark.** To the point that I had three beta readers back out when I warned them. Now, most of the time, I don’t know where the dark comes from. For this one, I do.

A year ago in December, my sister and her husband both caught that nasty flu. My sister ended up in the hospital, and I jumped on a plane and flew from Florida to North Carolina to help out with their daughters. Which involved taking the girls to church — three times in one day (Mass, rehearsals for the Christmas pageant for the younger, and religious education for the older one).

So, six times in one day, I passed the Stonewall Jackson Youth Development Center.

The history of this place is lurid at best. And not long after came the discovery of bodies at the Florida School for Boys. 

Add them both together, and you have The School.

“Be a good boy, or you’ll get sent to The School….”

* Yes. Erotic romance with an Ace hero. The research on this was interesting. I learned a lot.
** And you thought chapter 7 was bad dark…

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