Travel is fun, but it’s good to come home.
Yes, I’ve been away. We spent a few days in Charlotte with family, celebrating a high school graduation. Then we headed down to Savannah to look a the Savannah College of Art and Design (which is an impressive school, and their Game Design program is interesting.) Savannah is a gorgeous city that feels locked in the past — driving a car just feels wrong. You should be driving a horse and buggy. Although I doubt there’d be better parking for said horse and buggy. It’s not a driving city. It’s a walking city. And we did — after the tour, we walked over to a place that had excellent reviews for lunch… and which I failed to verify was open on Monday. So we walked to another place… which was also closed. We ended up at Mellow Mushroom, which was very good. And in all the walking, we saw the first synagogue in Georgia, which was started by a congregation of Sephardic Jews that came to Georgia in 1733. I’ve read that their Torah dates to the 15th century, but we didn’t get to see inside, because the Temple was also closed on Monday. We walked through two of Savannah’s Squares — Monterey Square, which is where Casimir Pulaski is buried (they think…) and Chatham Square. We walked past Pulaski Square, which is NOT where Pulaski is buried and I’m confused now. And we wandered through Forsythe Park, and saw the Fragrance Garden for the Blind (*amazing*) and the famous fountain from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

We also walked past the Mercer-Williams house, which is owned by the family of the Jim Williams, the antiques dealer who was accused of murdering his lover inside the house, and whose trial is the subject of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. (From what I understand, that book is NEVER mentioned in the tour of the house.)
There’s a lot more to see in Savannah, and unfortunately, we didn’t have time to see it all. We definitely need to go back and spend more time there.
But first? Sleep. It’s good to be home.
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