Work in Progress: Forged in Fire, week twenty two

Forged in Fire
Heir to the Firstborn, Book 2

77177 / 95000 (81.24%)
I’m getting back into the swing of things, and getting the flow of this world again after sort of ignoring it for a couple of weeks. Rereading showed that I’ve had my usual “make things up as you go and fix it in post” consistency issues. Needless to say, they’ve been fixed. Mostly. They will be fixed before we go to print.
I’ve also jumped my total word target up — there’s no way that I’m finishing this monster in the 85K words that I’d planned. Here’s hoping that I can bring it in under 95K!
I’m putting some thought into Bones of Earth (Heir to the Firstborn 3), and into where that book will be going. I know the high points, but there are some things that won’t be clear until I see what some characters in Forged in Fire end up doing — I know what my outline said, but my characters never seem to read the outline.
Still hoping to bring this in by Indie Bookfest. We’ll see…

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