Works in Progress: Table of Stone and Forged in Fire, week fourteen

It’s amazing what not being in pain will do for your productivity!

Table of Stone
Swords of Charlemagne, Book 4

Forged in Fire
Heir to the Firstborn, Book 2

Well, in one project, anyway. I’m a little behind where I want to be in Forged in Fire. I need to go back and reread and get back on track. But the words in Table of Stone are really flowing, so it’s hard to tear myself away from that to work on Forged in Fire. 

Now, as to why I’m not in pain any more? I got a cortisone shot on Wednesday morning of last week. Now, if you’ve never done one, let me tell you. They hurt. A LOT. But after a couple of days, nothing hurts any more! So they’re worth it, in the long run. They’re just not immediately pleasant.

I didn’t realize how much being in pain was messing with me until I wasn’t. Until I wrote consistently and made my wordcounts for five days running on Tables of Stone.  Now to get myself caught up — I have just about a month to finish this book. I have a little more wiggle room with Forged in Fire, mostly because I am working about five chapters ahead of what’s up on Patreon. I do need to get it in gear, though, so I do start running behind —  I want to have the finished book ready to go at Indie BookFest in August.

And… several hours later, I just realized that I never posted this. Ummm… oops? Here, have an update.


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