Works in Progress: Table of Stone and Forged in Fire, week ten

Spring break ends today, so tomorrow writing begins once more in earnest.

Table of Stone
Swords of Charlemagne, Book 4

Forged in Fire
Heir to the Firstborn, Book 2

I’m in an interesting place. See, the Forged in Fire wordcount says that I’m just past halfway through.

Yeah, I’m so not halfway through yet.  So this is going to be a LONG book, and I’m starting to wonder if I’ll have it ready to go for Indie Bookfest in August. See, I’m scheduled out chapters until the beginning of May — Chapter 14 just went into the queue. And I’m not halfway done yet.

The serialization of book 2 might not be done before the convention!

I have to decide how I feel about that.

Table of Stone is coming along in an interesting manner. The series is erotic romance, and we’re into chapter 12 there… and there’s been no sex yet. There’s been some sexual tension, but these characters seem to be resisting the whole jumping into bed part. I think they missed the memo that said “EROTIC romance,” but shoehorning a sex scene in where it didn’t grow organically is my biggest complaint in erotic romance. I’m not about to do it in one of my books. So I’ll keep on keeping on, and we’ll see what happens and when.

And I’ve hit the point where there are absolutely no excerpts I can post without spoiling something, so I’ll keep this short. Spring break is over, after all, and I need to get up early tomorrow.


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