Works in Progress: Table of Stone and Forged in Fire, week twenty…sort of

There was a week twenty, but there weren’t many words to be had. I spent last week getting ready for Oasis, and I spent the weekend at the convention, having a marvelous time! I got to meet and be on panels with the brilliantly funny Adam-Troy Castro, met his lovely wife Judi, and see a lot of people I don’t get to see nearly enough. Started off the weekend with co-hosting the fannish version of Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me. Saturday, I hosted a couple of panels — one on writing Ordinary People, and another very informative panel on Self-Publishing, and then went on to the annual Writing Sex in Science Fiction panel (aka the Elle, Aria and Liz Comedy Hour).

Can’t wait to do it again next year!

On the writing side, I should be finished with Table of Stone this week. I have a little over two chapters left — finishing the fight scene I’m on, dealing with the elephant in the room, and the resolution of four books worth of… well, everything. The denouement has already been written, and tweaked, and will need to be polished before I say it’s a manuscript. Summer chess class starts this afternoon, so I should be able to get a good bit done then. Then I’ll have the rest of the summer to focus on finishing Forged in Fire.

I have a plan.

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