It’s been a very interesting week here in Schechterland.
I finished the first chapter of the Heir to the Firstborn, and I’ve scheduled it to go live on Patreon on Friday, August 3rd at 8PM. It’s going up as a public freebie, so anyone can take a look. If you like it, and want to know what happens after… well, you can jump in for a dollar a month.
I was originally planning on going live with the chapter this past Friday, but I was late because of the other interesting thing this past week. I had oral surgery on Thursday.
This is where you want to avoid the next bit if dental things bother you. I’ve put the story in gray between the stars, so that it’s harder to read. If you really want to know, you can highlight it to see what I’m talking about.
It wasn’t a hugely invasive procedure, but I ended up with two stitches and some bone removal, so it did knock me off my pins.
Yes, I did say “it wasn’t a hugely invasive procedure” and “bone removal” in the same sentence. Considering that my alternative involved bone grafts and implants? Yeah, this was good.
I’m still a little loopy (and I’m not even on the good pain meds!) I’m recovering, though, and will have a permanent crown put in on Thursday (I hope. Depends on how the incisions are healing.)
Okay, back to less squicky bits. (And yes, I went back and edited to that the white text wasn’t showing up on the gray background.)
I’ll be starting back to Swords of Charlemagne in just about two weeks, after Indie Bookfest. There are still tickets available for the convention, so if you’re in the area of Lake Mary, Florida, you should totally come check it out!
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