Another week, more fight scenes. I’m starting to wonder why I set a book in Imperial Rome…
It’s been a long weekend. I spent the weekend at the Central Florida Highland Games, where I foolishly thought I’d be able to get some writing done.
I can hear you laughing, you know.
Luckily for me, I’d gotten enough done earlier in the week that not making my word count three days in a row didn’t hurt me at all. I’m still ahead of where I should be in total words, although I’m starting to wonder if I can bring this book in for a landing in 100K words. I’m at 68K, and I still haven’t gotten Lorcan out of Rome.
Umm… I wasn’t planning on having this be another trilogy, I swear.
The White Raven
Week Thirteen Total Wordcount
In other news, I’ve got a release date for the novella that was once called From Dusk ’til Dawn. The new title is Chains of Light, and it will be released by Forbidden Fiction on February 13th. I even have a pretty new cover!
I like this cover even more than the original!
Also, chapter 2 of Fools Rush In is now live on the Forbidden Fiction website. (log in required, but free!) Go read!
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